Facebook? Really?

Originally Posted August 8, 2009:

Well, I finally did it.  I joined Facebook.  I’ve been saying all along that I just don’t want to be “out there” for everyone to see, and I did mean it.  Honest.

But, well, my sister-in-law kept sending me invitations, so I finally gave in.  I mean, what will it hurt?  I don’t have to have a lot of information there, just a place to keep in touch with family, right?  Right.

So I signed up and put just the basics, then “friended” my family members.  Then I looked up my college friend who e-mailed me months ago looking for me, thankful that I still had the same e-mail address, since I wasn’t on FB.  Ok, that’s fine.  No big deal.

Then it just so happened that in that same week, my husband’s co-worker “forced” him to sign up for FB and helped him set everything up (since hubby is no whiz with the computer).  So now we’re both on, and I can’t have him accumulating more friends than I!  lol  Actually, I was enjoying watching him complain about having to spend so much time on the computer, keeping up with all these people he hasn’t spoken with in years.  Then we linked up as married, and that was fun, sending messages back and forth.

So since I was spending more time on FB because of that, every now and then I would think of an old schoolmate and look them up.  Oh, look!  There they are!  Let me just send a Friend request and see if they remember me.  And that’s the way it starts.

Now the first place I go when I log on to my computer is Facebook.  I ended up working late into the night last night, just to make up the time I spent trying to get my privacy settings just right during the day.  Egads.  Addicted to something new!  Already?  I’m still trying to really get going on this sweater I’m trying to knit myself, not to mention finishing the afghan that is nearly done, that is for a friend whose birthday was 3 weeks ago.  <sigh>

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